unit 10 progression planning

these are some rehearsal videos that i have taken to get ready for my auditions i think this was a good idea because i can look back at the different things i did right or wrong and then use that to make my audition better 

all of theses videos are the different processes i went through dancing 
e.g song/dance/style i found it really hard to make the dance because it is 
something that i don't usually do 

this is a clip of me singing the song that i want to sing for my audition
i think that i suit the song and it works because i add emotion and try to make it my own


Yo?  What?  Yo?!  Did you just YO me?  You just yo’d me?  Do I look like a YO to you?  I have a name?  What’s my name?  Say my name.  Huh?  That’s right, Kiiiiirby.  That is my name.  KIRBY.  That is what you call me.  You have a problem with my name?  No?  Are you sure?  Are you REALLY sure?  Good, because you’re fired.  Get your shit and get out of my office.
GO!  I am serious.  I’m not playing with you.  Nobody yo’s me.  I’m not some sort of yo yo type of guy okay.  Go back to the ghetto or wherever you’re from and go yo somebody else.
This is corporate America pal, there’s no YO-ing aloud!!
(to himself)
(phone rings)
Hello?  Yo, what’s up?!  How have you been buddy?  Long time, long time.

audition pieces 

  1. and i am telling you (dream girls)
  2. i cant do it alone(Chicago)


  • solo by Jennie (choreographed by me) 


  • what did you just call me ?

the reason why i chose this as my first choice was because i like how diverse it is not everyone looks the same ans everyone has different skills

trintiy laban

i have completed my audition for trinity laban and i found it very good i sang my song well (at least i thing so). i found the dance hard because it was really fast i had the steps down i just didn't do them in the speed it is in. it also was a hard hit going to the audition because there has never been male competition in our class for musical theatre so i thought not many boys would go so when i got there and heard them all sing it hit me that i have serious competition. to deal with this i just tried my hardest to stand out. form this i learnt not to undermine myself and try and put myself out there. 

Anglia Ruskins

for my audition the process was very easy i just sang a song and danced and then i left when i first started singing i was really nervous the song that i chose was a really hard power ballad and i didnt want to mess up or not hit a note correctly. my dance went really well it was the only dance that wasnt ballet which i am hoping made me stand out. i think it went well because i put myself out there i was not worried about being judged i just wanted to make the panel see that i deserve ti be in their school

i have heard back from Anglia and i got a place

wac arts  

in this audition i had to sing a song and take an acting singing and dancing class the course is mostly dance so i found it hard to keep up because a lot of the students had studied dance and i it was a very fast dance that we learnt. i think that the course is not for me because they focus on dance and the dance side of musical theatre is the thing that i most struggle with  

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